
How To Fix Your Sleeping Schedule In 7 Easy Steps

A good sleep is a magnificent blessing of Allah Almighty. Everyone wants to have a good sleep after the all day activities. Millions of the people are struggling with the sleep disorders due to irregular sleeping schedules.

Therefore, you must have to fix your sleep schedule for the good health. If you have sleeping issues then you can’t be fresh all the time because your brain doesn’t support you to enjoy the freshness and pure life. This leads to some issues like anxiety and hypertension. Here are some steps to schedule your sleep timings:

Step 1. Consistent Sleeping Schedule

The first step is about to set a consistent sleep schedule everyday including on weekends. You have to wake up & sleep according to the sleep schedule. It is beneficial for your health.

Step 2. To Have a Sleeping Environment

Your sleeping environment is very important as your bedroom should be quiet, dark and noise free while you are going to sleep. Comfortable mattress is essential for your rest and curtains play a role for your privacy.

Step 3. Establish a Bed Time Routine

A bed time routine helps you to be ready for sleeping. Also includes some activities like reading and meditation. Limit your exposures to useless activities before bedtime.

Step 4: Limit Exposure to Screens

Blue lights from mobile and tv screens can create disturbance in your sleeping. Just limit your exposures to screen before bed time.

Step 5: Avoid Stimulating Activities

Stimulating activities like exercise, watching movies and playing video games can create difficulties in sleeping. Avoid these kind of activities before an hour you are going to sleep.

Step 6: Get Some Morning Sunlight

Morning fresh sunlight is a magnificent blessing of Allah Almighty.  If you get some morning light it boosts your stimulating hormones. Vitamin D is produced by sunlight. After sleeping open your curtains and get some sunlight.

Step 7: Be Consistent In Sleeping Schedule

The foremost step is to be consistent in your sleeping schedule even on weekends and off days. With passage of time your body will be regular to your bed time routine.


By following these steps you can set your bed time routine which will maintain your body health. Freshness will only come if you apply your routine on daily basis. Being consistent is the foremost part of any routine.

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